Parenting is my teacher. It has been teaching me for over 2 decades now, and I suppose that will continue to be the case. I am committed to learning and growing and am continually recognizing that I will never really “arrive” as I once believed I might.
Looking back over the last 4 months I have learned so much from the guests who have been willing to sit down with me and share their beautiful stories and impart their wisdom. I have gained more awareness and compassion for myself and my family and I am grateful. So in that spirit of reflection and gratitude, I want to share the top 5 things that I am really focusing on in my personal life right here and right now.
• I can’t control any circumstance, feeling, reaction, or behavior outside of my own… as Kyle and I often say to each other “ it is what it is.” I am learning and practicing trusting that whatever is happening is ultimately for my good and my growth.
• Give them a way out or a way through… with Choice not ultimatum… Sometimes I forget the powerlessness my children have experienced in their very short lives. In effort to help them experience their own power I need to offer them opportunities to choose for themselves and to experience that they do have choices and power over their lives.
• Give space without abandonment… We all need space at times when we are struggling. We often push others away in our fear or pain. Allowing space for my children without leaving them feeling alone can be challenging, because to be honest sometimes I just want to get away myself.
• Never underestimate the power of letting someone know you believe in them… This is something I never want to forget. No one is ever too far gone.
• I am practicing, not perfecting…. Awe,,,, this is a beautifully compassionate thing to remember. When we begin to own this in our own lives, we will automatically extend it to others.
While there are many more things I’ve picked up in our first 20 episodes, these are my real-time takeaways that I’ll continue to integrate into my daily interactions.
Join me by sharing some of your favorite things from the first 20 in the comments below and let’s continue this journey together.