Episode 16
The Power of Compassion in Birth Family Relationships
O.K. Let’s get one thing straight. Compassion does not always mean relationship.Unfortunately many of our foster/adoptive children’s stories of abuse and neglect are such that any type of contact would be detrimental to the safety of our kids and our family. What compassion does mean is: “the concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others”. And the amazing thing about compassion is that it releases anxiety and negativity and makes room for positivity and peace.
Adult drug use was the cause for 36% of the children removed from homes in 2017, up from 15% in 2000.* This alarming trend continues to climb year over year and leaves many foster/adoptive parents attempting to navigate the damage caused by substance abuse in the family of origin. In many cases, like kinship placements, contact is almost a given, and more and more non-kinship placements are exploring the value of on going contact as well.
While every story has a different ending, this episode of the Mama’s Well Podcast features an interview with the birth mother of a former guest, Madison (Episode 15). Cindy Wright is now in recovery from a 35 year drug addiction and is able to have a healthy relationship with Madison and her foster mother, Nicole (Episode 8).
Cindy and Tara discuss the healing nature of compassion and the unique opportunity that birth family relationships present for growth on all sides of the foster/adoptive triad. This story, though regretfully not common enough, has a happy ending that continues to develop into deeper connection and relationship.
Every story doesn’t play out the way that Cindy, Madison, and Nicoles has, but their story is a touching picture of the place that compassion can lead.
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