Very few people have not in some way been impacted by addiction. One study I read said that over 50% of Americans reported substance abuse in their families. Addiction is a scary thing, and if it’s touched your life personally, you know what I mean. As an adult child of an addict, I am well aware of the scars it leaves behind on children. Parental drug and alcohol abuse contributes to child abuse and neglect and is a leading cause of children being removed from their homes. And because of the cyclical pattern that exists, it’s important that foster and adoptive parents understand that childhood trauma and loss leave children at great risk for addictions and chemical dependency. Understanding this can help us create a culture of healing connection in our relationships where addiction will struggle to take root.
My guest on this week’s podcast, Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor and Marriage and Family Therapist, Adam Bertoch says, “What threatens our connection with another human being is also what feeds addiction.” So what is it that threatens our connection? Don’t we all want to know? Well, I’m on my third listen of this podcast and what I am hearing and continuing to process is – that the threat to connection is a lack of acceptance of my humanity and the humanity of the others in my life.
Unfortunately, substance abuse and addiction continues to rise, especially in those who’ve faced childhood adversity. But, there’s hope. Connection is the kryptonite for addiction, so let’s learn how to connect authentically and vulnerably in our humanity with one another.
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